Introvertion and the Immune System
When the body is weak and nitric oxide levels are too low, the immune system may become depressed and unbalanced. Fear naturally increases. We want to avoid people who may carry diseases we can't handle. We become suspicious and jugemental as an extension of this fear. Is saying "relax" going to be enough? In my experience the answer is no. When you have the flu are you interested in seeing lots of people and being the life of the party? Of course not. Nasal humming can help the immune system and it's an important part of your entire body. Sometimes it's not useful to dig into your past to know why you may want to avoid people. Sometimes your body is just run down and doesn't want to get hurt. "relaxing" away the stress won't work. You need to strengthen. Nasal humming, saunas, and light exercise while keeping your head and neck covered are great ways to begin building yourself up so that you don't need to hide from the life you are supposed to be living.