Over 1000 Clinics Across 15 Countries
We provide wholesale access to a range of high-grade, direct trade botanicals from East Asia.
In order to provide a level of quality generally unavailable in the West, we provide:
Direct Sourcing: Each herb comes from its ideal growing region, in order to achieve the highest level of pharmacologically active constituents.
Exceptional Quality: We perform rigorous testing to assure efficacy, potency, and shelf life, including microsectile observation, spectrophotometry, and chromatography, of each batch of herbs.
Unequaled Purity Standards: We rigorously test for microorganisms, heavy metals and pesticides to ensure purity standards.
“Game and Life Changing Herbs
I produce only one formula, premium version of Zheng Xie Gu Shui/Evil Bone Water. When I first started making it, I was amazed at how much better a handmade version was using herbs from American wholesalers and so were my patients. Case sales to practitioners took off greater than expected, to the point the US wholesale herb companies could not keep up. Facing high demand an herb shortages I took the plunge and made my first herb order from Botanical Biohacking in January 2018. The Quality that came in was astounding. I had been an herbalist for 20 years and never encountered this level of quality. It dramatically changed my product, making it an order of magnitude better. From premium to Super Premium with very noticable differences in efficacy. That very quickly boosted us from 5 case shipments a week to 10, then 15! We are now on a trajectory for 30 cases a week shipped by summer 2019. This would not have been possible without the quality and volume Botanical Biohacking has provided. Do they cost more than the C quality herbs you get in America? Sure they do. Does it matter? Sure it does. When I send out a bottle of herbs I KNOW I have just packed into that bottle as much medicin as is humanly possible. Literally, the finest herbs on the planet. I couldn’t do it without them! “
— Mark T. Brinson DOM, Ap CEO Evil Bone Water
“MG Plus
I haven’t eaten ice cream or pork in years. Probably 9 due to debilitating migraines.... I ate both this past weekend with my MG+ and did not have any migraine. No pain. Nothing!!! Sooo cool!!!
I ate einkorn flour too (a relative of wheat). No reaction. Normally I get super grumpy and try to break up with my husband and have terrible intestinal pain as if barbed wire were moving through me. Nope. Not this time.”
— Mae C. - Botanical Biohacking Product User
“A great resource for aspiring TCM practioners
I am a TCM student and have learned so much from this podcast.I love how current science and research are intermingled with the traditions of Chinese medicine and brought together in the episodes.Andrew Miles, DOM & Xuelan Qiu, PhD are great hosts and give a lot to ponder for students and practitioners of TCM.”
— Jen2 - Botanical Biohacking Podcast Listener
“Cutting edge info
One of the first podcasts to truly integrate East Asian Medicine with the current "Western" understanding of the body and disease. I find this podcast to be a GEM. It's fun to listen to, and packed with info directly relevant as well as scholarly. The dry humor of this podcast gets me every time.”