Sex Hormones, The Immune System, and Microbiota
Chinese medicine doctors often hear the same question from their wide eyed patients, “Why come we are talking about my gut when I came in for boner pills?” I’m paraphrasing of course, but the point they make is a good one. How can you explain in a modern paradigm why working on the gut is so essential for regulating hormonal balance? Well according to smarty pants wizards FernandaPace, and Paula I.Watnick of Harvard Medical School said in this nifty article
“Sex steroids modulate intestinal inflammation.
The intestinal microbiota is shaped by sex steroids.
The intestinal microbiota alters circulating levels of sex steroids.
Sex steroids impact bacterial physiology through direct interactions.”
There you have it. This is why sometimes boner pills are sometimes necessary to help with gut problems and why gut problems can also help regulate disorders of sex hormones.
When people want help with sexy time. Think bellies first. Here is an image of belly dancers to help cement this concept into your soul for eternity. You are welcome.
Photo of Delhi-based belly dancer Eshan Hilal. Stolen from “India Today”. Please forgive me India Today. He was just too radiant. I had to. I’m sure you understand.