9 Transformations Dream Cultivation Method

The 九转梦修法 (Jiǔ Zhuǎn Mèng Xiū Fǎ) is an advanced Taoist practice that involves using dreams as a medium for spiritual cultivation and self-transformation. This practice is rooted in Taoist internal alchemy (内丹, nèidān) , which aim to harness the subconscious mind and dream state to achieve spiritual awakening, self-mastery, and even immortality. Practically speaking this is a way to merge the hun and po in the dream state.

The Practice of 九转梦修法 Nine Transformations Dream Cultivation Method involves a series of stages or "transformations" that guide the practitioner through increasingly advanced levels of dream awareness and control. Here’s an overview of the practice:

1. 初转:梦觉 (Chū Zhuǎn: Mèng Jué) - First Transformation: Dream Awareness

Become aware that you are dreaming while in the dream state (lucid dreaming).

- Practice: Before sleep, set the intention to recognize dreams. During the day, repeatedly ask yourself, Am I dreaming?" to cultivate mindfulness.

2. 二转:梦控 (Èr Zhuǎn: Mèng Kòng) - Second Transformation: Dream Control

Gain control over the dream environment and narrative.

Practice: Once lucid, practice changing elements of the dream, such as flying, transforming objects, or summoning guides.

3. 三转:梦悟 (Sān Zhuǎn: Mèng Wù) - Third Transformation: Dream Insight

Use dreams to gain insights into your subconscious mind and spiritual path.

- Practice: Ask questions or seek guidance within the dream, such as "What do I need to learn?" or "Show me my true nature."

4. 四转:梦炼 (Sì Zhuǎn: Mèng Liàn) - Fourth Transformation: Dream Refinement

Purify negative emotions and habits through dream work.

- Practice: Confront fears, resolve conflicts, and transform negative energies into positive ones within the dream.

5. 五转:梦游 (Wǔ Zhuǎn: Mèng Yóu) - Fifth Transformation: Dream Travel

- Goal: Explore other realms or dimensions through dreams.

- -Practice: Intend to visit specific places, such as spiritual realms, past lives, or the astral plane.

6. 六转:梦合 (Liù Zhuǎn: Mèng Hé) - Sixth Transformation: Dream Union

Merge with higher spiritual beings or energies in the dream state.

- Practice: Visualize merging with a deity, teacher, or divine light to receive blessings and wisdom.

7. 七转:梦化 (Qī Zhuǎn: Mèng Huà) - Seventh Transformation: Dream Transformation

Transform the physical body and energy system through dream work.

- Practice: Visualize the body being purified, healed, or transformed into light during the dream.

8. 八转:梦真 (Bā Zhuǎn: Mèng Zhēn) - Eighth Transformation: Dream Reality

- Goal: Realize the illusory nature of both dreams and waking reality.

- Practice: Reflect on the similarities between dreams and waking life, cultivating the understanding that both are manifestations of the mind.

9. 九转:梦道 (Jiǔ Zhuǎn: Mèng Dào) - Ninth Transformation: Dream Tao

Achieve unity with the Tao (道) through dream cultivation.

- Practice: In the dream state, experience the dissolution of the self and merge with the infinite, formless Tao.

From 梦林玄解 Volume 4

By Andrew Miles DOM

Painting by Jack Yerka