Mugwort: The Ghost - Exorcising Tale of Dongfang Shuo
Dongfang Shuo, a famous wise man and magician in Western Han Dynasty,
known for his cleverness and knowledge of magic.
Once in a small mountain village, strange things began happening - mysterious sounds and shadowy figures appeared every night, making the villagers afraid. When Dongfang Shuo heard about it, he decided to help. He knew of a special herb called dongming grass that could drive away evil spirits.
Dongfang Shuo traveled into the mountains and found the herb. That night, as ghosts started to appear, he lit the dongming grass, which immediately glowed with a golden light. The ghosts, exposed to the light, screamed in pain and disappeared. Peace returned to the village.
The villagers were very thankful, and Dongfang Shuo left with a smile, his story of exorcism spreading far and wide. It was recorded in the book of The Record of the Underworld.
Though there is no herb called dongming grass in the world today, some believe it might have been mugwort. This herb has been used for centuries to ward off evil spirits and is known for its strong, protective properties. Editor’s note: It is rich in volitile oils which are antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial which may contribute to it warding off evil.
By Karen Ko
Edited by Andrew Miles