The Gut Microbiome
Fever of unknown origin, depression, lack of appetite, loose stools, edema, borborygmus, gallbladder dysfunction, frothy, scanty, and yellowish urine. Urine that smells like death.
Key questions for the Gut Microbiome
They may lack appetite for vegetables and meat, but still crave sweet and convenient foods. This still counts as a lack of appetite because they prefer to snack on sweets. It’s a sign of pathogenic bacteria hijacking opiate receptor sites in the gut.
Stools may be either loose or hard and still stem from damp. When the stools are very small like a sheep’s stools then it is true heat.
Soft, loose, or slightly constipated: Microgard Plus and “Warm Hearth” tea if their face or tongue is puffy or you see signs of mucus or compromised airway passages such as with wheezing or snoring.
“Sheep like stools or sour foul breath: Microgard and Peak tea” as this is a sign of true heat and will require a mildly cooling formula which removes damp without being too drying.
Your go to for anything in this area or for people who eat things they shouldn’t which is most everyone in this demographic is Microgard plus. If they have putrid breath and sheep-like stool and other true heat signs then Microgard regular is better.
You can stack the formulas from the respiratory Microbiome right on top of the Microgard plus.
Mucus is formed in the GI microbiome and stored in the respiratory microbiome. This is part of the gut-immune axis.
Everything you do with regard to the respiratory microbome come through the GI as well.
Gut Microbiome Emotions:
Emotionally the GI microbiome has to do with our feelings of love and comfort. This is where the expression “comfort food” comes from. There are profound social meanings with food and understanding one’s place and belonging in society. Being fed means being included and it’s very tied to survival.
It is vulnerable to anger and stress which can cause people to stop nourishing themselves or to overeat.
Fear can cause racing thoughts which eat up the body’s ATP mentally to the degree that there is not enough to maintain the water pumps and properly devote to digestive function. This is especially true when racing thoughts prevent people from sleeping.
Dreams: People tend to dream of rotten basements or rooms in their houses when they have disturbed gut microbiota. They may also dream of home renovation or of eating food. Post-apocalyptic dreams or dreams of flooding can point to hidden damp pathologies.
Dysbiosis in the GI microbiome also contributes to emotional depression which is why Microgard plus is so important. Jin Zhao frequently combines the concepts of Peak and Wind with those of Microgard plus and Warm Hearth. This is enough for most cases of dysbiosis in all three microbiomes, but sometimes we need something a little stronger for the urogenital microbiome.
By this time the patient should have no reservations about their body and will be more likely to volunteer information about more vulnerable and sometimes taboo signs like their stinky sweat.
GI Microbiome