Module 1


80/20 essential concepts

Demographic Specificity

Typical Patient

Module 2


Cultural Difference

Systems Biology

Module 3


How (Level 1)

Respiratory Microbiome

Exterior and Interior

External and Internal

Respiratory Microbiome Overview

Respiratory Microbiome Part 1

Respiratory Microbiome Part 2

Respiratory Microbiome Part 3

Gut Microbiome Overview

Urogenital Microbiome Overview


Module 4

16 PDAs Pending

How (Level 2)

GI Microbiome

Hot and Cold

Cold and Heat

Hot & Cold in the Respiratory Microbiome

Hot & Cold in the GI Microbiome

Hot & Cold in the Urogenital Microbiome

How To Use Formulas For Heat And Cold

How We Die


Module 5

16 PDAs Pending

How (Level 3)

Urogenital Microbiome

Excess and Deficiency

Excess and Deficiency

Respiratory Microbiome Formulas

Deficiency with Excess

Mucus and Inflammation

Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis

Gas and Blood

Four Movements of Gas For Bioremediation

Urogenital Microbiome

Damp Blocking Kidney

Formulas for Excess & Deficiency


Warm Hearth

Yin & Yang


Module 6

Ongoing Applications


Case Studies

Objective Metrics

Side Effects

Weird Mixed Patterns

Module 7

Dreams and Emotions

Emotions and Microbiome

Emotions and Dampness

Seeing Ghosts and Having Nightmares

Module 8

Ongoing Research

Herbal Formulas and Pharmacology

Module 9

Practice Management

Reputation and Influence

Cultivating Rapport